• Sabrina Nelson - President

    Sabrina Nelson is our president and has lived in Creedmoor for seven years with her family. She loves supporting the community, rural living, and her favorite thing about Creedmoor is the park and the community.

  • Vice President - Position Vacant

    Ernestina is our VP and is a huge support to the CCCFA board. Ernestina is also the City of Creedmoor secretary. She lives in Kyle with her family.

  • Anna Ortiz - Treasurer

    Anna is our treasurer and she handles our financing but also helps keep us on track. She and her family have lived in Creedmoor for over 20 years. She is an active member in our city and for CCCFA.

  • Sebastian Cortez

    Sebastian is our CCCFA secretary and our administrative extrodinare. He is an active member of our community and helps make CCCFA a success.


The CCCFA board and organization would not be able to do all that we do without our members. Each non-board member of the CCCFA is allowed to vote on any issues that the board has brought up. We want the community and our friends to have a voice in what we do. To be a member you do not have to live in Creedmoor just be a friend of ours (and everyone is our friend). Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.